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6 months ago
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9 months ago
A little meth never hurt anyone
That might be a lie though. Here's a few reasons why ADHD is a bit of a pain:

The Scatterbrained Symphony: "Because trying to focus with ADHD is like herding cats—except instead of cats, it's your thoughts, and instead of herding, it's more like trying to corral a tornado."

The Attention Abyss: "Because staying on task with ADHD is like trying to navigate a minefield of distractions—squirrel! From shiny objects to random daydreams, it's a wonder anything ever gets done."

The Time Warp Tango: "Because time management with ADHD is like playing a game of 'Beat the Clock' on fast-forward—except instead of winning, you're just trying to remember where you left your keys five minutes ago."

The Forgetfulness Fiasco: "Because memory lapses with ADHD are like living in a perpetual game of hide-and-seek—except instead of finding hidden treasures, you're just trying to remember why you walked into the kitchen."

The Executive Dysfunction Dilemma: "Because organizing with ADHD is like trying to tidy up a tornado—no matter how many to-do lists you make or color-coded calendars you create, chaos always seems to reign supreme."
A little meth never hurt anyone
9 months ago
Drive to Alabama for meth
Stay because you sold your car for meth.
We recommend feeding your kids over spending the money on meth, here are 5 reasons why:

"Your kids won't try to sell the food to buy more food."

"Feeding your kids leads to delightful family dinners, while meth dinners tend to be more... solitary affairs."

"The only 'withdrawal symptoms' from not feeding your kids might be some adorable puppy-dog eyes, whereas skipping meth could lead to, well, let's just say less cute outcomes."

"Feeding your kids provides endless opportunities for culinary adventures and picky-eater negotiations, whereas meth just provides... a different kind of adventure, but with significantly less flavor."

"Investing in your kids' nutrition now might just save you money on therapy bills later. Meanwhile, investing in meth... well, let's just say it's not exactly a sound long-term investment plan."
Drive to Alabama for meth


