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6 months ago
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9 months ago
When strangers got our numbers phones got ruined
These days phone calls only mean bills or stress TBH! They suck and here's a few reasons why:

The Dial-Up Drama: "Because using a telephone is like trying to communicate with a carrier pigeon in the age of email—slow, outdated, and prone to dropping important messages mid-flight. Who has time for dial-up in a world of high-speed Wi-Fi?"

The Call of the Mild: "Because telephones are like a siren song luring you into a vortex of mundane conversations about the weather, Aunt Mildred's bunions, and the neighbor's new lawn mower. Who needs excitement when you can spend hours discussing grass growth rates?"

The Ringer Roulette: "Because telephones are like a game of Russian roulette—you never know if it's going to be a friendly chat with your best friend or a telemarketer trying to sell you the latest in kitchen appliance technology. Spoiler alert: it's usually the latter."

The Tangled Talker: "Because telephones are like a magician's trick gone wrong—one minute you're untangling a knot of cords, and the next, you're pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Who knew communication could be such a tangled mess?"

The Reception Rejection: "Because telephones are like a clingy ex who just won't take the hint—you try to ghost them, but they keep ringing back, desperate for attention. Who needs constant interruptions when you're trying to binge-watch your favorite TV show in peace?"
When strangers got our numbers phones got ruined
9 months ago
Get what you deserve
In this case not having a phone.
Want more revenge? We have some options that won't land you in trouble with the cops:

The "Puppy Parcel": Since she always had a soft spot for furry friends, you decide to send her a monthly subscription of dog poop parcels. Each package comes with a note saying, "Thought you might enjoy cleaning up after something you love."

The "Billboard Betrayal": You rent a billboard on her daily commute route and display a Photoshopped image of her with a caption that reads, "Cheaters Never Prosper!" It's not illegal, but it sure is embarrassing!

The "Spam-a-Lot Scheme": You sign her email address up for every newsletter, spam email, and promotional offer imaginable. Her inbox becomes a chaotic mess of discount codes, dating site ads, and weight loss tips.

The "Social Media Switcheroo": You hack into her social media accounts (just kidding!) and replace all her photos with images of cartoon characters. Bonus points if you change her relationship status to "In a Relationship with SpongeBob SquarePants."

The "Gag Gift Gazette": You anonymously subscribe her to obscure magazines with titles like "The World of Moldy Cheese Collectors" or "Unicorn Enthusiast Weekly." Who knows, maybe she'll discover a new passion amidst the chaos of her mailbox.
Get what you deserve


