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6 months ago
A tue gentleman
Amazing he held out that long considering he started with M'Lady
A tue gentleman
Spot List
9 months ago
Bring the filter with you
Showing up like the temu version of yourself. We're all for body positivity here mainly because we're all ugly as sin but that's besides the point , a lot of filters is false advertising and dating these days is mostly advertising. Here are a few reasons why not to use a lot of filters on dating apps:

"The Filtered Fantasy vs. Reality:" Using too many image filters on dating sites is like presenting a Picasso painting of yourself instead of a photograph. Sure, you might look like a masterpiece online, but when you show up for that first date, your date might wonder where your other ear went.

"The Photoshop Phobia:" Nothing says "run for the hills" like realizing your date looks nothing like their heavily filtered profile picture. It's like ordering a juicy steak and receiving a tofu burger instead—disappointing, to say the least.

"The Filter-Fueled Fiasco:" With so many filters, it's hard to know what's real and what's not. One minute, you're swiping right on a flawless supermodel; the next, you're face-to-face with a human being who looks like they've been digitally airbrushed into oblivion. Talk about a rude awakening.

"The Filtered Faux Pas:" Using excessive image filters on dating sites is a rookie mistake akin to wearing sunglasses indoors—it screams "I have something to hide." Sure, you might think you're enhancing your appearance, but your date will see right through your digital disguise.

"The Filtered Freak-Out:" Imagine the horror of realizing your date looks nothing like their carefully curated profile pictures. It's like being catfished by your own vanity—a sobering reminder that filters can only do so much to improve your dating prospects.
Bring the filter with you


