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6 months ago
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6 months ago
A tue gentleman
Amazing he held out that long considering he started with M'Lady
A tue gentleman
6 months ago
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6 months ago
6 months ago
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6 months ago
6 months ago
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6 months ago
6 months ago
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6 months ago
6 months ago
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6 months ago
9 months ago
Very honest socially awkward messages
There's no time like the present to learn, from what I've heard most of them are something called people. But that is for beginners or a group of people that posses something called charisma. We're out here living rough not getting dates and having a hard time, keeping it real so we asked 5 top pick up artists what their preferred method of talking to women they each is and got these replies:

"The Mime Misstep": Embrace the art of silent communication! By mastering mime techniques, you'll captivate women with your enigmatic charm and leave them intrigued by your mysterious allure. Who needs words when you can speak volumes with just a glance and a gesture?

"The Complimentary Conundrum": Expand your compliment repertoire beyond the usual clichés! By showering everyday objects with praise, you'll demonstrate your creativity and ability to find beauty in unexpected places. Women will be drawn to your unique perspective and keen eye for detail.

"The Rom-Com Reject": Transform everyday interactions into cinematic masterpieces! By borrowing lines from romantic comedies, you'll infuse your conversations with whimsy and romance, sweeping women off their feet with your charming wit and boundless imagination.

"The Social Media Stalker 2.0": Show off your attention to detail and playful sense of humor! By leaving cryptic comments on women's social media posts, you'll intrigue them with your mysterious allure and keep them coming back for more. Who needs straightforward compliments when you can keep them guessing?

"The Animal Attraction Anomaly": Connect with your primal instincts and embrace your inner animal lover! By engaging in deep conversations with animals, you'll demonstrate your compassionate nature and ability to find common ground with creatures big and small. Women will be drawn to your gentle spirit and empathetic demeanor.
Very honest socially awkward messages
Spot List
9 months ago
How to deal with unsolicited flirting
Pretty cheap for real rent, really expensive for digital rent. A great idea though, maybe unsolicited DM senders should pay rent! Here's 5 fun reasons why:

"The DM Landlord": Just like any landlord, you should be compensated for letting people move into your DMs. After all, you're providing prime real estate in the digital world—it's only fair that they chip in for the privilege!

"The Inbox Intrusion Fee": Think of it as an inbox intrusion fee. Every time someone slides into your DMs uninvited, they're essentially trespassing on your digital property. Charging rent is just a way to recoup the costs of dealing with their unsolicited messages.

"The Message Maintenance Tax": Maintaining your DMs takes time and effort. From sorting through spam to dealing with unwanted advances, it's a thankless task. Charging rent is a way to compensate for the emotional labor of managing your inbox.

"The Spam Surcharge": Unsolicited DMs are the digital equivalent of junk mail. Just like you wouldn't let someone dump their trash in your living room for free, you shouldn't have to deal with their digital garbage without compensation. Charging rent is a way to discourage spam and keep your DMs clean.

"The Privacy Protection Payment": Your DMs are your private digital sanctuary, and letting someone slide into them uninvited is like letting a stranger crash on your couch without asking. Charging rent is a way to assert your digital boundaries and protect your privacy. After all, if they want access to your DMs, they should be willing to pay for the privilege!
How to deal with unsolicited flirting
9 months ago
Wholesome flirting
What a cute relationship. Forever alone people don't continue reading, here's 5 reasons why kissing your girlfriend is cute:

The Lip Lock: "Because kissing your girlfriend is like playing a game of 'Where's Waldo?'—except instead of finding a bespectacled wanderer in a striped shirt, you're searching for the perfect pucker in a sea of lips. It's like a romantic scavenger hunt, but with fewer clues and more smooches!"

The Slobber Snuggle: "Because kissing your girlfriend is like sharing a melting ice cream cone on a hot summer day—sure, it's messy and sticky, but it's also a sweet reminder that life's too short to worry about getting a little slobber on your chin. Embrace the messiness and dive mouth-first into the deliciousness of love!"

The PDA Parade: "Because kissing your girlfriend is like starring in your own personal rom-com—except instead of a Hollywood set, you're making out in line at the grocery store or stealing smooches at a stoplight. Who needs a blockbuster movie when you've got real-life romance happening right before your eyes?"

The Lipstick Locomotion: "Because kissing your girlfriend is like riding a roller coaster—there are ups and downs, twists and turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop. Sure, you might get a little queasy from all the lip-locking, but isn't that half the fun of the ride?"

The Lovey-Dovey Lip Service: "Because kissing your girlfriend is like pressing the 'reset' button on a bad day—no matter how stressed or cranky you might feel, one smooch from your sweetheart is all it takes to turn that frown upside down. Who needs therapy when you've got the healing power of lip-locking love?"
Wholesome flirting
Spot List
9 months ago
God of War is a good game though
Wish we knew if he realized after he was done lore dumping. Who knows maybe God Of War is simply better then sex? We've explored the possibly:

"No Need for Foreplay—Just Press Start": With God of War, there's no need to worry about candles, mood lighting, or romantic music—just fire up your console and press start. Who needs foreplay when you can dive straight into an epic adventure filled with gods, monsters, and epic battles?

"Multiple Endings, No Strings Attached": Unlike sex, where the ending is usually predetermined, God of War offers multiple endings and branching storylines. Whether you prefer a happy ending or a tragic one, there's something for everyone in this epic saga—no strings attached.

"You Can Skip the Pillow Talk and Go Straight to Epic Boss Fights": Who needs post-coital cuddling when you can skip straight to the adrenaline-pumping action of epic boss fights? With God of War, you can trade sweet nothings for epic showdowns with mythical creatures and vengeful gods.

"No Performance Anxiety—Just Epic Gameplay": Worried about performance anxiety ruining the mood? With God of War, there's no need to stress about your performance—just focus on mastering the game's combat mechanics and unleashing devastating combos on your enemies.

"You Can Pause for Snacks Without Ruining the Moment": Ever tried to pause sex for a snack break? It's awkward, to say the least. But with God of War, you can pause the action at any time to grab a snack, take a bathroom break, or answer the door without ruining the moment. It's the ultimate convenience for hungry gamers everywhere.
God of War is a good game though
9 months ago
Rain and sauce era
He had the right idea just couldn't spell it
Spelling can indeed be quite the challenge! Here are five humorous reasons why:

The Silent "K" Conspiracy: Why is there a "k" in "knight" if it's pronounced "nite"? Spelling is like a secret code where letters hide in plain sight, waiting to trip you up when you least expect it.

Vowels Gone Wild: Sometimes, vowels like to play dress-up and swap places without warning. Is it "receive" or "recieve"? The English language keeps us on our toes with its vowel shenanigans.

The Curse of Homophones: Whether it's "their," "there," or "they're," homophones love to confuse even the most seasoned spellers. It's like a never-ending game of linguistic Whac-A-Mole.

Consonant Clusters: When consonants gang up and form intimidating clusters like "mn" or "gn," it feels like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. Good luck finding your way out without tripping over a silent letter or two!

The Dreaded Apostrophe Catastrophe: Apostrophes have a mind of their own and love to wreak havoc on unsuspecting words. Is it possessive or a contraction? Who knows! It's the punctuation equivalent of a mischievous gremlin.
Rain and sauce era
Spot List
9 months ago
Rude but honest
Follow him for more flirting tips, here are five humorous reasons a food delivery person might love an overweight woman customer:

Endless Appetite Appreciation: Who wouldn't love delivering to someone who appreciates food as much as they do? The delivery person knows they'll always be met with excitement and enthusiasm, making every delivery feel like a culinary victory.

Generous Tips Galore: Overweight customers are notorious for their generous tipping habits, ensuring that the delivery person's pockets are always lined with extra cash. Plus, they might even get treated to a bonus snack or two as a token of appreciation!

Built-in Taste Tester: With an overweight customer, there's always the chance of being invited in for a taste test of their latest culinary creations. From homemade cookies to decadent desserts, the delivery person gets to enjoy the perks of being a taste tester on the job.

Friendly Fitness Motivation: Overweight customers are often the most appreciative of a little extra exercise, giving the delivery person the perfect opportunity to get their steps in for the day. It's like getting paid to work out—what's not to love?

Instant Fan Club: Overweight customers are known for their warmth and friendliness, making every delivery feel like a reunion with an old friend. The delivery person knows they'll always be greeted with a smile and maybe even a hug, making their job feel more like a social outing than work.
Rude but honest


