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6 months ago
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6 months ago
Cat accept their fate
Life is harsh sometimes and this cat has accepted that fact
Cat accept their fate
6 months ago
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6 months ago
Black Cat is Boss
Better learn to respect the Cat, I am not biased
Black Cat is Boss
6 months ago
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6 months ago
6 months ago
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9 months ago
9 months ago
Not the vets penis
Clarifying that was extremely important. The vet does not want a kitty BJ and here's a few reasons why:

The Paws and Perversion: "Because while cats may have a reputation for grooming themselves, that's where we draw the line—nobody wants a 'meow-massage' from their feline friend, especially not in the vet's office!"

The Furball Fiasco: "Because getting a tongue bath from your cat is one thing, but letting them go to town on your nether regions is a whole other ballgame—literally. Plus, who wants to explain those scratch marks to their significant other?"

The Scratching Post Scandal: "Because cats may have rough tongues, but that's no excuse for them to treat the vet's genitalia like a scratching post. It's a vet's office, not a feline fetish dungeon!"

The Hairball Horror: "Because if there's one thing worse than a hairball, it's a hairball in the wrong place—like, say, your vet's crotch. Nobody wants to deal with that mess, not even the most dedicated cat lover."

The Kitty Catastrophe: "Because while cats may be curious creatures, there are some things they're better off not exploring—like the vet's private parts. Let's leave the 'pussyfooting' to the professionals, shall we?"
Not the vets penis
Spot List
9 months ago
Trust garlic cat
Make sure vampires don't get you. As not a cat myself I can't spin a tall tale about why you should accept this kitty's gift of garlic... what am i saying of course I can that's this site's whole gimmick! Here it is 5 reasons why you SHOULD take the garlic:

"The Ultimate Vampire Repellent": Need protection from blood-sucking vampires? Forget about garlic cloves—take the garlic offered by a cat instead. With their impeccable sense of smell and supernatural instincts, they're the ultimate vampire repellent in furry disguise.

"Cat-Approved Breath Freshener": Tired of spending a fortune on minty mouthwash? Take the garlic offered by a cat and say goodbye to bad breath forever. With their seal of approval, you'll be breathing easy in no time—just watch out for the lingering aroma of catnip.

"Instant Feline Friendship": Want to win over the affections of a finicky feline? Accept the garlic offered by a cat and watch as they become your new best friend. With their generous gift in paw, you'll be bonding over garlic-flavored treats in no time.

"A Gourmet Meal Fit for a Cat": Who needs expensive gourmet cat food when you can dine on freshly picked garlic? Accept the culinary offering from your feline friend and savor the flavor of their generous gesture. Just be sure to leave some for the vampires.

"The Cat's Secret Weapon": Ever wonder how cats maintain their air of mystery and intrigue? It's all thanks to their secret weapon—garlic. Accept the garlic offered by a cat and unlock the mysteries of the feline universe, one aromatic clove at a time.
Trust garlic cat
9 months ago
Voicing a cats opinion
What are they hiding in there?
More subtle cat written (POSSIBLY) home improvement ideas!
"Home Makeover Magic: Add cozy nooks and sunny spots to your space, creating havens for relaxation and exploration. Who knows, maybe someone with whiskers will appreciate the effort!

"Bathroom Bliss: Locate the litter box in a tranquil corner, ensuring peace and privacy for all restroom visitors. It's like creating a zen retreat for a certain someone in your household!

"Serenity Spaces: Designate quiet zones for unwinding and contemplation, offering a retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's all about fostering a sense of tranquility for everyone in the household.

"Playtime Paradise: Incorporate fun activities and toys into your daily routine, encouraging laughter and bonding moments. You never know who might appreciate the extra playtime!

"Safety First, Fun Second: Remove potential hazards and declutter your space to create a safe environment for everyone. It's like giving your home a makeover, with added peace of mind!"
Voicing a cats opinion
Spot List
9 months ago
Sad cat is sad
He realized he didn't do his best, so we did it for them, here are some suggestions on how to never see your cat sad:

Daily Dance Parties: Crank up the tunes and bust out your best feline-friendly moves. Who could be sad when surrounded by groovy beats and enthusiastic twirls?

Laser Light Olympics: Transform your living room into a laser-filled wonderland, complete with obstacle courses and high-flying acrobatics. It's a guaranteed way to keep your kitty entertained and their spirits soaring.

Treat Treasure Hunts: Hide treats throughout the house and watch as your cat turns into a furry detective, sniffing out each delicious clue with unbridled enthusiasm. Bonus points for incorporating pirate-themed attire.

Catnip Spa Days: Treat your cat to a luxurious spa experience with catnip-infused toys, cozy blankets, and soothing massages. Because nothing says relaxation like a pampered purr-ball lounging in style.

Customized Cat Cartoons: Commission a series of personalized cartoons starring your cat as the hero of their own adventure. From daring escapades to epic battles with the dreaded red dot, it's sure to keep your kitty's spirits high and their tail twitching with excitement.
Sad cat is sad
9 months ago
Bitting my ass is a capital offence
Cuddling is nice though, but my ass getting bitten by a kitten is not
Here are 5 reasons why one might not appreciate their ass having teeth marks:

"Purr-sonal Space Invasion": Your cat's idea of personal space is about as broad as a catwalk, and unfortunately, your posterior seems to be the runway du jour. Who knew fluffy could be so cheeky?

"Fuzzy Ferociousness": Ever been ambushed by a cuddly ninja? That's what it feels like when your cat decides to take a nibble out of your derrière. Watch out for those stealthy sneak attacks—they're fur real!

"Tail-tastic Troubles": You've heard of tailgating, but tail-biting? Not exactly the kind of tail-wagging fun you had in mind. Your cat's curiosity may be piqued, but your pain receptors sure aren't pleased!

"Claws for Concern": Forget cat scratch fever—how about cat bite blues? With teeth sharper than a lawyer's wit, your feline friend isn't exactly known for its gentle dental hygiene reminders. Time to invest in some kitty toothpaste, perhaps?

"Meow-chy Territory": Your posterior may be plush, but it's definitely not a scratching post! Unfortunately, your cat missed the memo and decided to take a nibble instead. Looks like it's time for a crash course in cat-to-human communication—starting with "ouch"!
Bitting my ass is a capital offence
Spot List
9 months ago
Sniper cat
Confirmed kills include rodents , birds, insects and the odd lizard
Here are five humorous reasons why a cat would make a great sniper:

The "Purr-fectly Stealthy" Strategy:
Cats are masters of stealth, able to sneak up on their prey without making a sound. With their silent paws and stealthy movements, they could easily infiltrate enemy territory undetected and take out targets with precision.

The "Laser Pointer Precision" Perk:
Cats have honed their hunting skills through countless hours of chasing after laser pointers. With their impeccable aim and lightning-fast reflexes, they could hit targets with pinpoint accuracy – as long as you dangle a laser pointer at the right spot!

The "Naptime Sniper" Advantage:
Cats are notorious for their love of napping, but don't be fooled by their lazy demeanor. With their cat-like reflexes and sharp instincts, they could go from lounging in the sun to taking out targets with deadly accuracy in the blink of an eye.

The "Tail-Twitching Trigger Finger" Talent:
Cats have an uncanny ability to detect movement, thanks to their twitchy tails and keen senses. With their natural instinct to pounce on anything that moves, they could easily spot targets from a distance and take them out with a flick of their tail.

The "Nine Lives, Nine Shots" Strategy:
Cats are known for their agility and grace, able to land on their feet even after a fall. With their nine lives to spare, they could take risky shots and pull off daring maneuvers that would make even the most seasoned sniper envious. After all, why settle for one shot when you have nine chances to get it right?
Sniper cat
9 months ago
Dream achieved
Might be the wrong type of cat though
He did you a favor according the the gnome that i paid in dogecoin to write this list

The "No Paw-blem" Predicament:
Heavy equipment doesn't worry about awkward grooming moments or scratching that elusive itch.

The "Machinery Meets Milk" Mismatch:
Heavy equipment enjoys gears over nine lives, without the risk of a dairy disaster ruining their day.

The "Tailless Triumph" Tale:
While cats chase tails, heavy equipment tackles piles of dirt – who needs whiskers when you have horsepower?

The "Load Box vs. Litter Box" Dilemma:
Heavy equipment skips litter box duty for conquering construction sites and moving mountains.

The "Curiosity Caution" Quip:
Heavy equipment knows better than to be curious – no one wants to be the bulldozer stuck in a tree!
Dream achieved
Spot List
9 months ago
My buddy wrote this article
Just like me he is possibly not a cat but you can't prove anything
Other articles on that website:

"5 Reasons Why You Should Spend More Time in Cardboard Boxes"
Reasons include promoting creativity, reducing stress levels, and improving posture. But we all know the real reason – it's the ultimate kitty hideout!

"The Benefits of Sunbathing: Why You Should Soak Up Those Rays Every Day"
Articles touts Vitamin D production, mood enhancement, and skin health. But let's face it – cats just love basking in those warm sunbeams!

"The Joy of Napping: How Regular Rest Can Transform Your Life"
Highlights include increased productivity, improved memory, and reduced risk of heart disease. But we all know the real reason – it's the purr-fect excuse for a catnap!

"The Zen of Watching Birds: Finding Peace and Tranquility in Nature"
Explains the benefits of birdwatching for mental health, stress relief, and mindfulness. But for cats, it's just another opportunity for some prime window sill entertainment!

"The Art of Stretching: Why You Should Incorporate Daily Flexibility Exercises"
Extols the virtues of stretching for muscle health, flexibility, and injury prevention. But for cats, it's all about maintaining their impressive agility for impromptu zoomies and graceful leaps!
My buddy wrote this article
9 months ago
A very uncooperative towel
Some parts are soft but once wet you get the finger daggers
Here are some reasons you should avid drying yourselves with a CAT

"Fur-tastic Fluffiness":
"Using a cat as a towel means trading wetness for fur-tastic fluffiness, leaving you covered in more hair than a shedding season."

"Paw-sitively Purr-fect Prints":
"Drying off with a cat's paws might sound cute, but you'll end up with paw prints everywhere, along with a mosaic of muddy marks and scratches!"

"Catastrophic Cleanup Crew":
"Expect a catastrophic cleanup crew if you use a cat as a towel – their grooming habits might leave you cleaner, but you'll deal with hairballs galore."

"Meow-t of Resistance":
"Drying off with a cat guarantees a meow-t of resistance, with clawed protests and a soggy feline frenzy."

"Tail of Tangled Troubles":
"Using a cat as a towel leads to a tail of tangled troubles, leaving you wrapped in a furry fiasco and your cat with a grudge."
A very uncooperative towel
Spot List
9 months ago
Wet socks the only thing worse then just wearing socks
Me being a cat I don't wear socks but we all hate the darn things a lot. Here are a few reasons why

"Socks: The Fashion Faux-Paw":
"To cats, socks are the ultimate fashion disaster. They're like tiny leg prisons that ruin their sleek, stylish look. Plus, who wants to be caught dead wearing something that clashes with their fur?"

"Socks: The Slippery Slope to Defeat":
"Cats see socks as their mortal enemy – slippery, sneaky, and impossible to catch! Trying to pounce on a sock is like chasing a ghost, except with more embarrassment and less satisfaction."

"Sock Monsters: From Mysterious to Menacing":
"To cats, socks aren't just innocuous foot coverings – they're sinister sock monsters lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack! Who can blame them for being wary of these toe-tangling terrors?"

"Sock Smells: The Stinky Surprise":
"Cats have sensitive noses, so the stench of sweaty socks is enough to make them gag! To them, socks aren't just unappealing – they're downright offensive. It's like trying to eat a tuna sandwich after it's been sitting in the sun all day!"

"Socks: The Stealthy Saboteurs":
"Socks are like stealthy saboteurs, always getting in the way of a perfectly executed sneak attack! Cats prefer their prey to be loud, proud, and preferably not hidden in smelly foot coverings."
Wet socks the only thing worse then just wearing socks
9 months ago
He looks serious
This guy took out some trees in his day, and after all why not? There is a well known Cat - Christmas tree war going on.
Here are just some of the reasons for this vicious conflict

"Cat vs. Tree Showdown":
"Christmas trees challenge a cat's throne as ruler of the living room, sparking a fur-flying battle for dominance."

"Tree Conspiracy Theory":
"Cats see Christmas trees as a human ploy to distract from their feline supremacy, igniting a purr-sonal vendetta against the towering intruders."

"Fur-tive Saboteurs":
"Cats launch stealthy missions to sabotage Christmas trees, offended by their audacious attempt to steal the spotlight."

"Ornament Envy":
"Cats resent Christmas trees flaunting flashy baubles, preferring the natural sparkle of their own fur coats."

"Tree-sonous Terrain":
"To cats, Christmas trees are towering threats poised to crush their delicate egos, igniting a feline frenzy of indignation."
He looks serious
Spot List
9 months ago
A little thief!
Run kitty or risk the spray bottle. let's not forget that in my biased opinion cats deserve the fish. Here are some supporting reasons

"Pawsitively Fish-tastic":
"Because every cat deserves a taste of victory – even if it's a fishy one!"

"Claws for Applause":
"Fluffy's fish catch deserves a round of applause, not punishment!"

"Tuna-rrific Triumph":
"A cat's victory over a fish is just purr-fectly natural!"

"Cat-astrophe Averted":
"Fluffy's fish heist saved the day – and that fish's life!"

"Fishy Business as Usual":
"Fluffy's fishy antics are all part of the feline charm!"
A little thief!
9 months ago
The cat would apreciate it
Or not i don't know i'm not really a cat...or am i? Here I even have proof maybe

"Keyboard Cat-tastrophy Avoided":
"Given the lack of paw prints on the keyboard, it's safe to assume this writer is not a feline mastermind. No accidental 'cat-typing' here – just human fingers doing the typing!"

"No Fur-ocious Typos":
"With impeccable spelling and grammar, it's clear this writer has opposable thumbs and not fluffy paws. No 'meow-sakes' to be found – just purr-fectly crafted sentences!"

"Lack of Random Napping":
"Unlike a cat, this writer hasn't suddenly dozed off mid-sentence, leaving behind a trail of z's. Looks like they're staying awake and focused – a clear sign of human behavior!"

"Allergic to Cat-astrophes":
"With a distinct absence of knocked-over coffee mugs and shredded paper, it's evident this writer is not prone to feline antics. No furballs or broken vases here – just a tidy workspace!"

"A Preference for Coffee Over Milk":
"Instead of lapping up a saucer of milk, this writer is fueling their creativity with a steaming cup of coffee. Looks like they prefer caffeine over calcium – a sure sign of human taste buds!"
The cat would apreciate it


